- 1. Integrating Node.js with PHP Lee Boynton PHPHants March 2013 Meetup
- 2. So... WTF is Node.js?
- 3. Server-side JavaScript
- 4. Its single threaded...
- 5. ...one process serves multiple clients
- 6. Apache + mod_php Clients Webserver (Example borrowed from Marc Gears excellent server side scripting smack down)
- 7. nginx + php-fpmStill pretty similar, there is a pool of available PHP processes
- 8. Node.js Clients Webserver
- 9. A simple Node.js webservervar http = require(http);http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {Content-Type:text/plain}); res.end(Hello Worldn);}).listen(1337,;console.log(Server running at;
- 10. Why should I use Node.js then?
- 11. #1 Reason l33tness
- 12. Use same language on the frontend and backend!
- 13. Websockets!!!!
- 14. Websockets● Persistent connection to server via web browser● Low latency● Bi-directional● Much better than XHR long polling (comet)
- 15. The possibilities...● Games● News feeds● Chat● Real-time applications
- 16. Awesome! Lets ditch PHP!Or use the right tool for the right job...
- 17. Reasons to use PHP still● PHP works● Familiarity, maturity● Existing code in PHP● Node still in its infancy (created in 2009) ○ Not as many frameworks, libraries ○ May have to write more code for some basic things ○ APIs may change, not version 1.0 yet
- 18. Oh yeah, the integrating part... Memcache/redis/ something else Session data Session data PHP Node
- 19. However...Sessions are serialized by PHP:not|a:2:{i:0;s:4:"easy";i:1;a:1:{s:2:"to";s:5:"parse";}}Easier to parse JSON in Node.js:{"this": {"is": "easier"}}
- 20. Use my session save handler...On Packagist: lboynton/memcached-json-session-save-handlerOr msgpack: https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-php● ini_set(session.serialize_handler, msgpack)
- 21. Quick example... (PHP) // create connection to memcached $memcached = new Memcached(); $memcached->addServer(localhost, 11211); // register handler (PHP 5.3 compatible) $handler = new LboySessionSaveHandler($memcached); session_set_save_handler( array($handler, open), array($handler, close), array($handler, read), array($handler, write), array($handler, destroy), array($handler, gc) ); register_shutdown_function(session_write_close); session_start(); // start using the session $_SESSION[serialisation] = this should be in json;
- 22. Quick example... (Node.js)1. Get session ID from cookie2. Get session data out of memcached3. Use session data to identify client and send relevant info to their browserSee demo app...
- 23. Conclusion...● Using Node is fun...● Good way to add real-time functionality to existing website● Can be used for much more
- 24. Links● http://nodejs.org/● https://npmjs.org/● http://socket.io/● https://packagist. org/packages/lboynton/memcached-json- session-save-handler● https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-php● https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-node